to the amethyst temple
Soul Healing Sanctuary
Angelic Rose Healing
Atlantean Healing
Atlantean Soul Retrieval
Twin Flame Healing
Angelic Reiki
Powerful Distance Healing Sessions to Sooth Your Body, Mind & Soul
Here at the Amethyst Temple you will find a range of deep-acting Angelic Rose, Atlantean & Angelic Reiki distance healing sessions available along with Homeopathic treatment. The Atlantean energies are very powerful and can bring about profound shifts and changes and act deeply to release energetic blocks to bring a greater sense of balance, peace, health and happiness. Atlantean Healing™ has the capacity to address physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual imbalances, as well as clear issues from past lives that are impacting the individual.
During an Atlantean Healing session, Kelly works with the Atlantean energies and works alongside the Atlantean Angels who are the Archangels that are known today. The session is directed by the angelic realm so each session is unique to the individual who is receiving the healing.
Angelic Rose Healing™ is a new, unique and powerful healing modality that Kelly is honoured to bring to the world having been chosen as the channel for this new modality by The Angelic Rose Sisterhood. Angelic Rose Healing is a deep transformational healing journey inwards, to heal and activate your Holy Womb and Heart Chakras to clear deeply held past pain, wounds, trauma and ancestral energies, to amplify your creative manifestation power, heal and unite inner masculine and feminine energies and allow you to embody more of your own unique soul’s light. Working with the Holy Womb Chakra in this way takes your healing and ascension journey to a deeper and more profound level bringing transformational shifts.
During an Angelic Rose Healing Session, Kelly works with specific Angelic Rose frequencies alongside Ascended Masters of the Rose Lineage and Feminine Archangels to bring through an energy transmission that is guided by spirit based on whatever the individual receiving the healing most needs at the time.
Angelic Reiki™ is a beautiful healing modality that works with the highest energies of the Angelic Realm to bring healing and inner harmony to every level of being of recipients. Angelic Reiki energy is quite different to the Atlantean and Angelic Rose Healing energies. It is powerful yet gentle at the same time, it feels very loving and you feel held, supported and safe while going through your healing process.
A distance healing for a client in another country is just as powerfully received with the same results as if they were in the same room. The Atlantean Angels & Angelic Rose Sisterhood are powerful high-dimensional light beings who are not bound by the human constraints of time and distance. They also participate in the healing session, delivering the energy exactly where it needs to go in the form that is exactly right for you. During a session, even though the therapist is not physically in the room with you, the light beings will be with you, directing the energies as required by the individual.
As the sessions are always directed by spirit rather than Kelly, be aware that on occasion you may have selected a particular type of healing and spirit brings through the other if this is what is most needed by you and on occasion they will combine elements Atlantean, Angelic Rose or Angelic Reiki Healing into a single session if that is what will be most beneficial to the recipient.