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About the Amethyst Temple

Hello and welcome to The Amethyst Temple!


It is my intention that it be an online healing sanctuary where those who feel drawn are able to access powerful and transformational healing sessions so that they may experience more inner peace and joy and be able to live happier, healthier, and more balanced lives.


After re-experiencing a past life incarnation as a violet flame priestess in the amethyst temple of Atlantis, ‘The Amethyst Temple’ evolved as the natural place for my services.


I have been on an esoteric pathway for most of my life and began my journey as a healer over 18 years ago. I am the channel & founder of Angelic Rose Healing, an Atlantean Healing Master Practitioner, Rose Priestess, Angelic Reiki Master Teacher, Reiki & Seichim Master, an intuitive empath and Homeopath. I am also a twin flame and have been undergoing the rapid ascension process that is part of the twin flame journey since the winter solstice in 2012 and have been called to help others on a similar path. The Atlantean Healing & Atlantean Soul Retrieval have been pivotal in my own journey. As well as using these high vibrational energies for the good of all, I have also been guided to develop twin flame-specific Atlantean sessions as a means of helping other twins accelerate their ascension process and rapidly remove blocks in their journey.


My sessions are continually evolving.  Angelic Rose Healing came into being as a expansion of my Rose Priestess initiations and my strong connection to the angelic realms, with spirit bringing the two facets together to birth this new healing modality.  I always work with the angelic realms to ensure that whatever is brought through is of the highest vibration but they also bring through other energies and ascended masters if that is what is most needed and I am guided on how to work based on the individual needs and highest good of the recipient.


If you have any questions about my services please don't hesitate to get in touch. I will do my best to accommodate your requirements where possible as I aim to be of service. I look forward to working with you!




Soul Healer @ The Amethyst Temple

The Amethyst Temple Healing Sanctuary
The Purple Priestess
Golden Age of Atlantis
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