Angelic Rose Healing

Angelic Rose Healing™ is a new, unique and powerfully transformative healing modality that has been channelled through me by the Angelic Rose Sisterhood. The Angelic Rose Sisterhood is a collaboration between the Divine Feminine Ascended Masters of the Rose Lineage and the feminine Archangels (also known as Archeiai) who have combined their energies to upgrade and elevate the already very powerful Rose Frequencies with the Angelic Rays and energy. The Angelic Rose Sisterhood have come forward at this time to assist us at both a collective and personal level with the anchoring and rise of the divine feminine as we move into the Age of Aquarius to restore divine balance between the masculine & feminine energies.
In these powerful sessions we journey inwards, into your Holy Womb Chakra to receive powerful healing transmissions of Angelic Rose Frequencies. Regardless of gender we all have a Holy Womb Chakra, in females it is linked to the physical womb, whereas in males it is an etheric chakra. The Holy Womb Chakra is an incredibly powerful and important chakra to work with for anyone on an ascension journey, as it acts as a record keeper, storing our old traumas, deeply held wounding and past pain along with our soul’s blueprint, I AM presence, your divine truth and previously attained sacred wisdom. The Holy Womb Chakra is our personal portal to the womb of creation and clearing and activating it is the key to our own personal manifestation potential as creator beings. No matter how much energetic clearing has been done up to now, until you have consciously worked to clear and activate your Holy Womb Chakra there will still be deeply held wounds, trauma, past pain and ancestral energies yet to be cleared.
During the healing session you may also receive heart healing and activations. The heart chakra is another extremely powerful and important chakra to work with as it is our portal connection to the cosmic and quantum fields, to source energy and is a transmitter and receiver of sacred love. The heart chakra has its own consciousness, healing and activating it allows you to fully open and flow with the energy of divine love and live in alignment with that energy rather than from the mind space.
Working with the Angelic Rose frequencies and the womb & heart chakras is also a powerful way to bring about inner union of your own masculine and feminine energies. When you have fully healed both your inner masculine and feminine wounding and energetic blocks you can then come into inner balance or union and that can then be reflected back to you by the external world in the form of a partner who matches that frequency.
These healing sessions are ideal for anyone looking to take their inner healing and ascension journey to a deeper level and will bring significant energetic shifts. You may also feel called to heal in this way if you are on a priestess path, if you want to attract a higher level sacred relationship into your life, if you have experienced past abuse, are carrying unresolved wounding, sexual trauma or have experienced reproductive or gynaecological issues. They are very deeply acting and transformative so there will be integration and processing which can be intense. You will need to be able to hold space and support yourself through the integration period so it is up to each individual to decide what they are ready to receive.
The options available for healing are as follows:
Instant Access Downloadable Angelic Rose Healing Transmissions
Pre-recorded Angelic White Rose Transmission are more than just a meditation. Each transmission is a co-created guided healing journey that has been channelled through me from the Angelic Rose Sisterhood. You will be supported to journey inwards, into your own Holy Womb Chakra to receive a multidimensional transmission of Angelic Rose Healing energy delivered direct to you by the Angelic Rose Sisterhood.
I am in the process of channelling and producing a series of transmissions, each of which build upon the energetic shifts of the previous ones, taking you on a deep healing journey with the different Angelic Rose frequencies, so it is recommended that initially the transmissions be worked through in the order that they are released.
The 1st in the series - Angelic White Healing Transmission is now available to download in the store at special introductory sale price of £33 (Usual price £44)
1-to-1 Individual Angelic Rose & Atlantean Healing Combo Sessions
Available as an extended 1hr healing session in combination with the Atlantean Healing, so within your session you will receive healing with both energies. Typically the session begins with Atlantean Healing and is then followed by the Angelic Rose Healing but this may changed if I'm guided to do so. These two energies work very well in combination together as the the angels tell me they are 'divine compliments' to each other as we are working with both masculine and feminine archangels within the single session. Working with both energies in combination in this way maximizes the healing potential of a single session. These extended sessions can be either standard or twin flame themed and can be left open for the angels to bring forward whatever is your highest priority for healing or they can be focused toward clearing a specific block or issue if required.
Option 1 – Skype & Distance Healing
A date and time is agreed upon for your session, at which time I will contact you via Skype. After briefly connecting and discussing the upcoming session, you will be guided to relax wherever is comfortable for you and the call will be disconnected whilst the Atlantean & Angelic Rose Healing™ transmission is being sent for an agreed upon period of time. You may experience various sensations or visuals but that is dependent on how open and sensitive you are or you may find yourself being wide awake one moment and gone the next! As these are very high frequencies sometimes spirit needs you out of the way to best receive them.
At the end of the agreed upon period of time, we will reconnect via Skype to discuss the session and information will be shared about what took place during the transmission.
Session Time – 1hr healing + session feedback (approximately 1. 25 - 1.5 hours in total)
Option 2 – Distance Healing & Audio Recording
A date and time is agreed upon for your session, at which time Angelic Rose & Atlantean Healing will be carried out for an agreed upon period of time. You may experience various sensations or visuals but that is dependent on how open and sensitive you are or you may find yourself being wide awake one moment and gone the next! As these are very high frequencies sometimes spirit needs you out of the way to best receive them.
After the agreed upon treatment time, an audio recorded summary of the session will be made and a link to download it sent by email. The recording will include any intuitive insights and past life information that has been received and cleared.
Session Time - 1hr healing + recording and sending of audio summary (approximately 1.25 - 1.5 hours in total)
Option 3 – Urgent Distance Healing within 72 hours may be available on occasion if I have the capacity and our schedules co-ordinate. Due to the nature of these energies it is preferable that the healing is either carried out while you are relaxing and engaged in the process or while you are sleeping so a bit more co-ordination is required than the urgent Atlantean sessions . If urgent healing is required email me at purplepriestess@theamethyttemple.com to see if I have capacity to accommodate this. There is an additional charge of £35 added to the standard session price for urgent healing.
Atlantean & Angelic Rose Healing™ will be sent for an agreed upon period of time. At the end of the agreed upon treatment time, an audio recorded summary of the session will be made and a link to download it sent by email.
This option may be beneficial to those who require an urgent appointment or prefer not to wait until the next regular slots are available. Waiting time for standard sessions is typically around 2 weeks from purchase.
Session Time – 1hr healing + recording & sending of the session summary (approximately 1.25 - 1.5 hours in total)
£99 per session for options 1 & 2
£134 per session for option 3
To purchase in the store click HERE